Covid-19 Anxiety

How scheduling worry time can help with anxiety

How scheduling worry time can help with anxiety

Have you come across ‘worry time’ before? It’s a technique that many people use to help them manage their worries and anxiety.

The principle is this - rather than worrying and feeling anxious throughout the day, you make a note somewhere of your worries and then you schedule a specific time each day when you work through your worried thoughts.

Five things helping me right now

Five things helping me right now

I’ve been wondering for a while whether I should write a post about Covid-19 and worry. These are certainly anxiety provoking times.

I think partly I’ve been avoiding writing here about it because I feel anxious myself, so how can I address that for other people in this blog, when I haven’t fully worked it through yet myself.

I also feel as if everyone is talking about it and there’s a huge breadth of content out there already. I lost count of the number of emails I had in the first week or so of lockdown in the UK, from all of my very favourite mailing lists, addressing coronavirus from their perspective. All of them were helpful. All of them were thought provoking.