WorryTree was designed specifically to work alongside Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) sessions, although you don't need to be experiencing CBT to use it. We thought we'd share with you how and why it can be so helpful to work through your worries using the WorryTree system.
Five great podcasts for worry and anxiety
We LOVE a good podcast at WorryTree HQ! Short, bite-sized radio-style programmes, they are perfect for the commute or to keep you company while walking the dog. And there’s so many out there, something for absolutely everyone on every kind of specialism that you could imagine!
But there are so many mental health podcasts out there that it can be a bit of a minefield looking for something that suits you.
So we thought today we'd share with you a round-up of our five favourite podcasts that we're listening to at the moment. We'd love to hear your thoughts on these or if you can recommend a new podcast to us!
How do you know when you're worrying?
This might seem like an odd question, I mean, you’re worrying right? You’re experiencing worried thoughts so you must be aware of them.
That’s not really my personal experience.
It’s only in recent years that I truly realised that worry was an issue for me. I pretty much hadn’t noticed. There had been periods in my life when I had worried a lot, but those had been during times of the Big Life Stresses - heartbreak, divorce, illness, moving house and so on. It’s completely normal to feel stress and anxiety during those times.
Unhelpful styles of thinking
There are a number of unhelpful thinking styles that can regularly come up when we worry. They're unhelpful because they're negative and they can lead you into a downward spiral of worried thoughts. We know for sure that thoughts can create feelings, and so you can soon find yourself feeling anxious, triggered by these unhelpful thoughts, and the vicious circle begins.
How to spot if worrying has become a problem
We all worry some of the time. Everyone does. It’s a natural, human survival skill that keeps us on our toes and alerts us to threats and danger. But for some of us, worrying can become a habit which can have a negative impact on our lives, our careers, our relationships and our dreams.
At its worst, habitual worrying can lead to a full blown anxiety disorder.
For many of us, worry is such a long term habit that we don’t even notice that it has become ingrained and excessive. Sometimes it takes a loved one, friend or colleague to call us out and highlight that they think our worrying might be a problem for us.
How WorryTree works
10 instagram accounts to follow if you worry a lot
Social media can also be an incredibly supportive, inspirational space and we all need to take some responsibility to make healthy choices when we scroll, like, follow and connect. Instagram is a favourite at WorryTree HQ, and we've pooled together some of our favourite accounts we like to follow that inspire, motivate and help us feel less alone with our tendency to worry. In fact, there are so many inspiring accounts out there, it was hard to keep it down to just ten!
Three steps to managing worry
Why can't I stop worrying?
We all worry from time to time. In fact, worrying can be a positive thing - making us aware of a threat in our environment and therefore helping us to react to that threat.
For many of us though, worrying can easily become chronic and excessive, and can result in serious mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. If you worry about a lot of things in your life, things that haven't happened, things that have, things that might, then your worrying can have a huge impact on your relationships, family, career, your wellbeing and your health.