
How to Cope with Back to School Anxiety

How to Cope with Back to School Anxiety

Going back to school after a long break can feel daunting, especially if you are moving to a new and unfamiliar environment such as going from primary school to high school, high school to college and college to university. It’s okay to feel worried about this, whether it’s you that’s in school, or your child taking a new step in their life…

How to distract yourself from worried thoughts

How to distract yourself from worried thoughts

‘Distraction’ is really referring to the practice of mindfully refocusing your attention. This is where we break the chain of worried thinking and rumination by doing something else, preferably physical. I’m sure you’ve been there. A worried thought has popped into your mind and before you know it that thought has snowballed into a hundred other negative thoughts.

Here's how I've learnt to cope with uncertainty this year

Here's how I've learnt to cope with uncertainty this year

It's been quite a year hasn't it so far? I'm writing this today hours before we hear what the latest set of restrictions are going to be in the UK. Thankfully the schools are back and businesses are open, but the virus is spreading again here and it feels like it's going to be a challenging winter.

These are uncertain times and for many of us, especially those of us with a tendency to worry, uncertainty brings fear and anxiety. I for one am not a fan of uncertainty, and yet everything about our lives is uncertain.

How scheduling worry time can help with anxiety

How scheduling worry time can help with anxiety

Have you come across ‘worry time’ before? It’s a technique that many people use to help them manage their worries and anxiety.

The principle is this - rather than worrying and feeling anxious throughout the day, you make a note somewhere of your worries and then you schedule a specific time each day when you work through your worried thoughts.

Five great podcasts for worry and anxiety

Five great podcasts for worry and anxiety

We LOVE a good podcast at WorryTree HQ! Short, bite-sized radio-style programmes, they are perfect for the commute or to keep you company while walking the dog. And there’s so many out there, something for absolutely everyone on every kind of specialism that you could imagine!

But there are so many mental health podcasts out there that it can be a bit of a minefield looking for something that suits you.

So we thought today we'd share with you a round-up of our five favourite podcasts that we're listening to at the moment. We'd love to hear your thoughts on these or if you can recommend a new podcast to us!

How well do you cope with uncertainty?

How well do you cope with uncertainty?

Something that’s really common amongst us worriers and over-thinkers is that we often find uncertainty hard to cope with. We might view uncertain situations as particularly stressful, unfair or upsetting. We might try desperately to look into our crystal balls for signs of what the future holds. Will my partner leave me? Will my children grow up safe and happy? What if something awful happens to my... [fill in the blank]?

Seem familiar? People who have a low tolerance of uncertainty might show any or all of the following behaviours…