Experts seem to have mixed views on whether fidget toys and tools really work, but plenty of people are using them to increase their levels of focus, reduce restlessness and manage anxiety…
How to Cope with Back to School Anxiety
Going back to school after a long break can feel daunting, especially if you are moving to a new and unfamiliar environment such as going from primary school to high school, high school to college and college to university. It’s okay to feel worried about this, whether it’s you that’s in school, or your child taking a new step in their life…
How to distract yourself from worried thoughts
‘Distraction’ is really referring to the practice of mindfully refocusing your attention. This is where we break the chain of worried thinking and rumination by doing something else, preferably physical. I’m sure you’ve been there. A worried thought has popped into your mind and before you know it that thought has snowballed into a hundred other negative thoughts.
Perimenopausal mental health: My Journey
I am so delighted to be able share another guest post blog as our first post of the New Year! Lesley Salem launched Over The Bloody Moon to provide help and support to women who, like Lesley, are struggling with perimenopausal symptoms like anxiety and depression. Read on to find out more about her journey and how she might be able to help you too. You can follow Lesley on Instagram at @overthebloodymoon!
2020: A Year In Review
I attended Lucy Sheridan’s 2020 Closing Ceremony last night and it inspired me to take a look back at this year (what a year!) and actually what we’ve achieved at WorryTree in the past twelve months. This can feel to me a little bit self-indulgent, but if we don’t celebrate our successes and achievements then who is going to? This year, which has been so difficult for many of us, perhaps it’s more important than ever to look back and pat ourselves on the back, even if it’s just for getting through it.
How to manage 'what if' worries
I’ve recently been trying a new daily practice to help me manage my worries called a thought download. The basic idea of this is spending fifteen minutes, every day if possible, literally downloading all of my thoughts onto a piece of paper until my mind is empty. It’s early days, but I do find this process empties my mind of all the clutter, and then depending on how much time I have I will pick one or two of the thoughts and work them through in WorryTree.
One thing I’ve noticed since I began practicing this technique is that a large number of my downloaded thoughts tend to begin with ‘what if’.
Here's how I've learnt to cope with uncertainty this year
It's been quite a year hasn't it so far? I'm writing this today hours before we hear what the latest set of restrictions are going to be in the UK. Thankfully the schools are back and businesses are open, but the virus is spreading again here and it feels like it's going to be a challenging winter.
These are uncertain times and for many of us, especially those of us with a tendency to worry, uncertainty brings fear and anxiety. I for one am not a fan of uncertainty, and yet everything about our lives is uncertain.
How to build an app
An increasing number of people have been asking me recently how you go about creating an app. In fact, I’m actually working on a second mental health app at the moment with a friend and colleague of mine, but more on that another day!
Since the question is being asked, I thought now might be a good time to take you behind the scenes on the process of creating an app.
How scheduling worry time can help with anxiety
Have you come across ‘worry time’ before? It’s a technique that many people use to help them manage their worries and anxiety.
The principle is this - rather than worrying and feeling anxious throughout the day, you make a note somewhere of your worries and then you schedule a specific time each day when you work through your worried thoughts.
Join me for Seven Days of Gratitude #storiesofgrateful
I am committing, right here, right now, to seven days of gratitude practice. For the next seven days, starting today, I am going to be heading over to Instagram Stories to share three simple things that I’m feeling grateful for each day.
Have you been meaning to try a regular gratitude practice?
Will you join me?