
Introducing our new Guided Workbook

Introducing our new Guided Workbook

We've been working on and off for the past few months on a new way for us to walk alongside you as you make the journey towards worrying less. We know that not everyone wants to do their worry journaling on their phone or tablet - after all, many of us are trying to reduce the time we spend on our phones. 

And so we created our printable journaling page, and thanks to it's success we decided to go one step further and now we've created a whole guided workbook with you in mind. 

Feeling festive or not so much? How to cope with festive anxiety

Feeling festive or not so much? How to cope with festive anxiety

The year is drawing to a close, the nights (and mornings!) here in the UK are dark and cold, and there's a sparkle in the air as the festive season really kicks in, decorations appear in front windows and the pumpkin spiced lattes are swapped for mulled wine.

Indoors it can be a warm and welcoming time of year but it can also be a difficult one for many of us. It's not just the high expectations of creating the perfect season, the sudden influx of social events to prepare for, or the ramping up of comparisonitis as we see 'everyone else' posting about the daily antics of their Christmas elves and their perfect festive decorations.

How to use WorryTree

How to use WorryTree

A few weeks ago our Founder Louise jumped onto Zoom in a live webinar where she talked us through the WorryTree cognitive behavioural therapy technique and how to use our WorryTree app!

If you missed it, you can watch a recording of the session here!

How practicing gratitude regularly can help you worry less

How practicing gratitude regularly can help you worry less

I don’t know about you but my Instagram and Pinterest feeds have been full lately of the importance of practicing gratitude for our mental health. And there really does seem to be some great science behind it.

It’s thought that people who practice gratitude regularly by taking a moment each day to think about the things they are thankful for, large or small, are generally more satisfied with their lives and more resilient in difficult times. In fact Brene Brown, in her 12 years of research, has found that it’s not that joyful people are more likely to be grateful for what they have, it’s that people who are practice feeling grateful are more joyful as a result.